"Shared Spaces" is a short art-movie, carried out with the support of Sofia Municipality.
The art-movie is multi-genre, it is subject to the overall artistic approach of Elitsa Baramó and makes aesthetic-philosophical generalizations. It is based on her idea, painting, script, and performance. The theme is universal: existence – movement – communication – tolerance. The movie represents the long-term project of Baramó ”Sediment Process”/being a 3rd phase of it/. Sediment Process* is a pictorial concept of her, a visual language with own syntax.
The short film is innovative with the synthesis between paintings /set in motion/, conceptual texts, performance** and the choice of means of expression. The viewer is invited in the working process but not literally, namely in the genesis of the idea. The kinetics, which is already laid down in the created paintings, in the film it is "retrospectively" unfolded, and it passes already into a real movement in time. The movement (in animated paintings) is charged with meaning, it is not just a matter of aesthetics. Ethics in aesthetics.
“Baramó 's existential symbols and self-reflection refer to a NEO EXISTENTIALISM expressed in artistic form.” /Prof. Kr. Delchev DSc. in Philosophical sciences, Sofia University/ The movie, according to Prof. Delchev, is a pioneering act, which he denominates ’art re-surrection’ - the resurrection of the artistic image.
Idea, script, performance and painting by Baramó; music and post production - Enil Enchev; translation and voice-over - Nelly Chalakova; critical text by prof. PhD Krasimir Delchev;
* Sediment Process: it is based on mathematical logic and linear perspective; recreates a feeling of movement with the means of expression of painting. Conceptual basis of SP is Baramó's formulation - Slow Motion Aesthetics: an ethical opportunity to observe the phase of deviation.
** The performance "Noumenon" thematizes the creative invention and the "negative will" for renouncement of certain freedoms in favor of the idea. (Kant)
„The palette is reduced by literally pushing colors with Bammes’ textbook plastic anatomy in the performance, part of the film “Shared Spaces“. /Dr. Ani Venkova - art critic/